Toxic Ingestion / Poison

Toxic Ingestion and Poison 

At St. Francis Hospital for Animals, our veterinary center in Oakdale, NY, we believe that the bond you share with your pet is special. Our dedicated team works tirelessly to preserve that bond by providing medical care to your four-legged friends. Today, we want to talk about an important issue - toxic ingestion and poison hazards, a situation that could be an emergency for your pet.

Understand the Risks and Prioritize Safety

Pets are curious by nature and may end up ingesting items that are toxic to them. Common items like certain plants, human food, cleaning supplies, and other hazards in your home can cause your pet a number of problems if ingested. Taking precautionary measures, such as moving these objects our of reach, can help prevent a dangerous situation.

Should the unthinkable happen, and your pet ingests something toxic, intervention from a veterinarian on our veterinary team is crucial. Symptoms of poisoning can range from vomiting and lethargy to seizures, and timely care can make all the difference.

Trust Our Veterinary Care

You can rely on our veterinarian team. At St. Francis Hospital for Animals, we have a well-equipped facility ready to handle toxic ingestion situations, and our team will help ensure your pet gets the treatment he needs.

We believe in providing medical care that is appropriate for both you and your pet. Our veterinarians prioritize the proper technology and treatment options so that you and your pet can go back to your normal lives.

Get Pet Safety and Emergency Tips from a Veterinarian on Our Veterinary Team

The safety of your pet is our highest priority at St. Francis Hospital for Animals. We strive to equip pet owners in Oakdale, NY, with the knowledge and resources they need to prevent and respond to pet emergencies.

If you suspect your pet has ingested something toxic, do not hesitate to contact us at (631) 567-1359. Our dedicated veterinary team is here to help of your pet has been poisoned or ingested something toxic. Remember, in these scenarios, prompt action is vital. Let us be your trusted partner in maintaining your pet's health and well-being.

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