How to Know if Your Pet Has Been Poisoned

Pets have a talent for getting into trouble. They roll around in toxic materials and eat what they shouldn’t. When your pet shows the symptoms of being poisoned, contact an emergency animal hospital immediately. Our team at St. Francis Hospital for Animals in Oakdale lists the signs that your pet has been poisoned.

Gastrointestinal Issues

Poisoned pets often have dramatic digestive problems like drooling, gagging, vomiting, vomiting blood, sudden diarrhea, or passing blood in the stool. Your pet may refuse food but drink insatiably. Your pet may also be unable to pass urine.

Skin Problems

A poisoned pet’s skin may become red, swollen, and irritated. Pets that have eaten poison may have swelling in the mouth and face.

Coordination Problems

Poison can make a pet seem drunk. Your pet may stagger, collapse, tremble uncontrollably, and go into seizures. Pets can also go into a coma, from which they may not recover unless they get to a veterinarian’s office.

Behavioral Problems

Being poisoned is a terrifying experience. Your pet may hide, whine or yowl, pant heavily, or become aggressive when touched. Your pet will not mean to hurt you but will be so frightened that he or she may instinctively bite or scratch.

Other Signs of Poisoning

Poisoned pets may have irregular heartbeats, breathing problems, seem like they have gone blind, or have pale or discolored gums.

Warning: Do Not Make Your Pet Vomit

Even if your pet has not vomited, you should not try to force your pet to vomit. Some poisons can do terrible harm to the digestive tract if brought back up. Just follow your vet’s instructions and bring your pet in as soon as possible.

Get an Emergency Animal Hospital Now

Minutes can make all the difference when it comes to pet poisoning. Find out now if your veterinarian offers emergency services. If not, then ask for a recommendation.

Contact Our Veterinarians in Oakdale, NY

If you have questions about how to prevent poisoning in pets and live in the Oakdale area, contact St. Francis Hospital for Animals to speak with one of our veterinarians. Call our team today at (631) 567-1359 or reach us through our website by using our online contact form.

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